Tag Archives: cayenne

A Pinch of Cayenne in the Hot Chocolate

Soon we’ll be on our way to visit South-Going Daughter for the holidays.  I’ve been quizzing her endlessly about what I will see, hear, wear, eat, and drink when I arrive down south of the border.  Will I see cacti and poinsettias and pinatas and eat tacos and burritos and enchiladas?  Will I see stucco homes and grand cathedrals and cobblestone streets?

She tells me that much of it is just like home.  There’s a Costco and a WalMart and Starbucks and Home Depot and McDonald’s,  just like here.  The streets are paved like ours and people dress just like us.  But then again, much of it is not like home. The sun shines most every day (totally not like home), the geraniums are huge and bloom non-stop, cheddar cheese is nigh on non-existent, and the hot chocolate is spicy.

Today I happened upon a blog, Munchin with Munchkin that features the recipe for Mexican hot chocolate. This author says the secret ingredients are cinnamon and cayenne.  The cinnamon I can understand.  The cayenne, well, I’m not so sure I’m going to dig that.  But I think I’ll give it try. I’m going to cheat, because I’m basically lazy, and just add cinnamon and cayenne to store bought hot chocolate.

Stay tuned.

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