Monthly Archives: December 2015

Now I’m the Older People

Some years ago when my dad was in his 70’s, still active and working, he got home a little late.  He told my mom that he’d stopped at the bank and had to wait a bit because it was full of old people.  Us younger folk thought that was pretty funny. The bank was full of old people!  He was the old people!

Then it happened to me. At a recent family gathering  a couple of the younger folk were catching up with each other.  One young lady explained that she works in PR for an agency that provides exercise programs, etc., for “older people.”   I turned to my sister-in-law and we grimaced.  We have become the “older people.”

How the heck did this happen? It snuck up on us that’s for sure.  We were busy living our lives and raising our children and cooking and paying bills and suddenly old age tapped us on the shoulder and said, “Tag, you’re it.”  Which isn’t fair because we didn’t even agree to play Old Age Tag.

There’s not much to be done about it tho’.  We’re old(er).  Might as well own it and look for the bright side.

We get a 10% discount at Ross on Tuesdays.







Filed under Aging, Family, Growing Older