Monthly Archives: October 2016

My New Skirt

I wore my new skirt to work today.  I think it is very pretty  and it fits nicely.  I was feeling good and then it got better.  I got a lot of compliments on my new skirt.  From coworkers and my boss and friends.  And then it got even better. I got to brag about my new skirt.  I got to tell my admirers what a bargain my skirt was.

I bought it yesterday.  At half price.  At Goodwill.  Oh yeah.

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Filed under bargains, Shopping

ET, Phone Home

There are three of them. They are about 3 and half feet tall. Skinny things with big, round, white heads.  Standing right beside each other in the garden in front of my house. And they have been standing there since mid July.  It’s now October.  They just stand there peering in my front window.   They never leave. They never make a sound. They just stand there staring in my front window.  It’s almost creepy.  Except for the fact that they aren’t  aliens. They are hydrangeas. And I’m amazed at how long they have been there.  Going on 4 months. Standing there, staring in my front window.



Filed under ;yard work, Flowers, gardening, Summer, Uncategorized