Monthly Archives: January 2014

Grandma and the Seahawks

Come July 2014 I’ll be a grandma again!

My oldest daughter is pregnant with her first.  We don’t know yet, if it’s a boy or a girl, but we are getting ready.  We went shopping for pregnant lady clothes this afternoon, getting to several stores where  she picked up some really cute tops and a couple of great pairs of pants and a skirt.  We had a little time to breeze through an antiques store, just for fun.

And then we got home in time to settle in for the Seahawks/49’ers play-off game.  At half time, it’s not looking good for the ‘Hawks.

But it’s all okay.  I’m going to be a grandma again!

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Savvy Dresser

I am in no condition at 4:30 in the morning to  pull together something to wear to work. If I want to look presentable, and get to work on time, I have to get my clothes ready the night before.

I’m currently in my Scarf Phase.  I don’t know how they all got in my closet but I have an over abundance of scarves. And I love them each one. They are my focal point. (I just impressed myself with that sentence.  It sounds very fashion savvy.)  I pull out a scarf and build my next day’s wardrobe around it.

I did that last night, just like I always do.  I pulled out a scarf.  I found a pair of pants and a sweater.  I just needed the tank top to go with it.  Where was that thing?  Not in the drawer where it belonged.  Not on a chair where it doesn’t belong but where another shirt was hanging out.  Not in the laundry. The laundry was all done and put away.  I had run out of choices. Well, the heck with it anyway, I’d go to plan B.

A couple of hours later, while at Bible study, it occurred to me as I changed position that under the sweatshirt I was wearing, I was also wearing the very tank top I’d been looking for!

Truthfully, I’m just not very aware of my clothing. On occasion, while driving home from work with my eyes on the road where they belong, and because cheating is not allowed, I will quiz myself by trying to remember what I am wearing.  I’m pretty good at knowing if it’s pants or a skirt, but sometimes it takes a mile or so to remember what color top I have on.

I’m really not fashion savvy at all.  If I can get all the buttons that should be buttoned, buttoned, and the zippers zipped, and the clothes are clean, I call it good.

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A Tall Cup of Yes

“I’m doing okay.  But what is a ‘tall cup of yes?'” my daughter texted back to me.

Uhhh…What I was trying to text was, “I’m going to have ‘a tall cup of tea.'”  That’s what I get for not ‘swipe checking’ before I send a text.  A Tall of Cup of Yes.  Crazy.

But wait a minute.  How about that  Tall Cup of Yes?  There are some possibilities here. Imagine with me, what it could look like:

The alarm jars you out of a wonderful sleep and you mumble to yourself that it’s the start of another dismal day.  Or, you could have a Tall Cup of Yes.  Yes!  God has given me another day. Can’t wait to get at it!

You get to the kitchen and grab the usual donut and coffee.  Or, you could have a Tall Cup of Yes.  Yes!  Today,  I will have a bowl of oatmeal, a lightly buttered piece of toast, and a glass of orange juice.

Traffic is the usual grind surrounded by lousy drivers who deserve your hand gestures and horn honking.  Or, you could have a Tall Cup of Yes. Yes!  Today I will let at least one rude,obnoxious driver merge in ahead of me and I’ll keep my hands on the steering wheel the entire time.

Imagine it.  A Tall Cup of Yes first thing in the m orning with several refills throughout the day.  It could become a very healthy, happy, satisfying habit.

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Filed under Small Happinesses

Fashion Police


My interests do not extend to fashion.  I don’t pay attention to what is “in” and I spend no time at all making sure I’ve got the latest style.  I would be perfectly happy working at a job that had a uniform.  It would save time every morning deciding what to wear. And I can think of lots of uses for that saved time, mainly sleeping in.

I have no idea where my daughters got the fashion gene but they have it.  When they lived at home, or now when they visit, they become my de facto fashion police.

So I was quite amused when I saw recent articles in women’s magazines and on the internet telling me that I can in fact, mix patterns.  My daughters, the fashion police, used to dress themselves like this when they were 5 or 6 years ago.  And I let them. Other people were a bit aghast but I figured,  what the heck. Life is short. Dress the way that pleases you while you can.  Soon enough they’ll learn that stripes and flowers don’t go together.

And look how wrong I was.  It’s now the style.  My fashion police were right all along.

picture for blog

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Sharing My Wisdom

If there is any satisfaction to be had in growing old it must be in passing on the wisdom we have gained through our years of aging.  Which may or may not be true but for the sake of this blog, let’s go with it.

Our oldest daughter is in the process of making us grandparents, again.  Meaning she is pregnant.  This is exciting news!  And she’s due in July which is when I’m off work.  And that is perfect!  So far, so good.  However, she is suffering from that misnamed illness “morning sickness.”

Ah yes, morning sickness.  I remember it well.  (There are some things you don’t forget, no matter how hard you try.)    Except mine started the minute I woke up, continued on through mid-day, and well into the night.  For nine months.  Miserable stuff.  I never got to show off that “healthy glow” that many pregnant women experience.  I was mostly green, having just thrown up or trying desperately not to.

I tried all of the tricks. Tea. Crackers. Plain baked potato.  Dry toast first thing in the morning.  Do you realize how much is involved in getting dry toast first thing in the morning?  First you have to get out of bed.  Walk to the kitchen.  Take a piece of bread out of the wrapper. Put it in the toaster.  Wait for it to pop up.  Do you have any idea how many times you can throw up in the time it takes to make a piece of toast?

So of course, I suggest my daughter try having dry toast first thing in the morning.  Didn’t work for me, but what the heck.  It’s the best I’ve got.

Love you Oldest Daughter.  Take good care of that baby of mine.

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Filed under Aging, Grandparenting


I don’t make resolutions. Unless it’s a resolution such as “I will clean the deep dark corners and crevices of my house every Tuesday” and January starts on Wednesday, there’s slim to no chance I will keep the resolution for more than a week.

But I really, really am going to work on making an appointment with myself to spend time writing every Wednesday or Thursday evening–because those are my two free nights of the week.  Except they frequently become unfree. And therein lies my challenge.

But look at this! It’s Wednesday evening and I’m writing! 

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