Monthly Archives: June 2014

Big Shoes to Fill

My grandbaby has arrived!  He wasn’t due for another month but I guess he decided June 20 sounded close enough to July 20 so he’d come on out.  Daughter called Friday morning saying her water broke and she was at the hospital.  She is 300 miles away but I was able to bug out of work, stop at home, throw some clothes and shampoo in the car, along with the dog, and headed out. Took over 6 hours, but the labor was even longer so I got there in plenty of time.  And I was able to be with her through the labor and the delivery.  It is an amazing thing to be with your daughter when she delivers your grand baby.

He’s 4 weeks early so he’s small.  But then all newborns are small.  You forget that, if you’re not around newborns.  They are so small and fragile.  Grand baby has lots of black hair and all of his fingers and toes.  And the longest feet we’ve ever seen on a baby.  All of the family is amazed by the size of this little person’s feet.  He could ski on these things. But he’s amazing.  A beautiful miracle.

Prior to his arrival we knew he was a he but we weren’t told his name.  Mom and dad were keeping that a secret.  His name was revealed to us as we arrived at the hospital.  It was written on the board near mama’s bed.  His first and middle names are after three of his great grandfathers (two of the great grandfathers have the same name). And great grandfathers they each were.  It’s an awesome name.  An awesome honor and legacy. So much so, it could almost be overwhelming.  A tiny person with such a name.  He’s got awfully big shoes to fill.

But not to worry.  Baby has the feet for it.



Filed under Grandparenting

So Glad You Quit

Back 20 years or so ago, it was legal to smoke in restaurants.  When the hostess was ready to seat you she would ask, “Do you want smoking or non-smoking?”

Hard to believe that was in our life time.  Anyway, 20 years or so ago, when our youngest was about 6 and the restaurant hostess asked that question, I’d turn to my 6 year old and say, “You quit, didn’t you?” And then we be seated in the non-smoking section.

The other day hubby and I were at a public park and came across this sign.  Lucky for us, we can bring our dog there because he has quit smoking, too.*






*This is all in the spirit of silliness.  Neither our daughter, nor our dog, have ever smoked.  Not that I know of, anyway.

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Filed under Dogs