Monthly Archives: October 2012

Help! I’ve shrunk my font!

Help!  My screen has shrunk to about a 4 point font.  I have looked everywhere but I can’t find the key or checkmark or whatever to increase the view.  Everything else is fine.  My dashboard is normal, etc., but my posts and drafts are microscopic!  I have a mouse in my keyboard (which I hate) and I think my left hand has accidentally rested on the key that shrunk everything but I can’t figure out how to undo this!  Can you help me?  (I’m pathetic I know)


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Get Out There and Live

Criminy.  I’m too embarrassed to even look to find out when I last blogged. It was over a month ago…two months ago?  What is going on here?  Lazy? Not interested?  Too busy?  Lost my computer?  Didn’t pay my internet bill?

‘Nuf said.  Here’s a thought for your day:  “The only way to avoid the ravages of aging is to die young.” *

Think about it.  Now, get out there and live!

* Flat Like Me, Good Housekeeping, March 2012

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