Monthly Archives: July 2017

No Fashionista Here

I have no fashion sense. And I have no desire to cultivate it.  At critical junctures in my life I have looked to my two daughters to clear up my lack of fashion understanding.  The rest of the time I just punt and wear whatever it is I feel like wearing.

The other morning, while visiting our daughter and our two grandkids, my three year old grandson warmed my heart with his best non-fashionista response.

Grandson was busy examining the treasures he and I had collected on our morning walk.  His mom was trying to get him dressed for church.  Standing off to grandson’s side and a bit behind him she held up two shirts and asked him which one he wanted to wear.

Never shifting his gaze from his treasures he pointed behind him,  in the direction of his mother, and said, “That one.”

I was on the floor laughing.

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Filed under Family, Fashion, Grandparenting

The Adventure Ends

After 4 fabulous days with our grandson, it was time for the 5 hour drive home. He chattered away spying trains and trucks and water.  When it was time for a potty break we found a rest stop that had a small forest with paths and trails that needed exploring and we had legs that needed exercising. Further down the road we stopped for lunch and our carnivorous grandson chowed down on the veggie sandwich we shared with him.  Crossing over the mountain pass we played peek-a-boo with Mt Hood and tried to explain, without ruining the fun, that the mountain wasn’t really moving, it was all us.

Next morning we had to head back to our house.  We hugged and kissed all and told grandson we’ll see him soon.  But as we backed out of the driveway and waved good bye one more time he broke, and warmed,  our hearts.  He reached out his arm and called, “Nooooo!!!!!”

Love you little man.



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Filed under Grandparenting

The Adventure Continues

Day Four of our 3 year old grandson’s visit and we’re doing a good job wearing him out. He took a 3 and half hour nap yesterday, slept in an extra hour this morning, and asked to take a nap an hour early today.

So far in our days together we’ve taken a short train ride, picked and eaten ripe raspberries, run around the acreage being race cars, floated ducks in the kiddie pool, gotten all of Poppy’s toy cars out and driven them around the house, thrown rocks in the water at the river, and played at the park.  It’s been a busy time.  And so much fun.

I heard a woman explain the wonder of grandparenthood like this:  You become a bowl of mush and “no” disappears from your vocabulary. Oh, yes.

Grandson, you want to bring every plastic duck out of the house?  Of course.  You want to jump on our bed?  Why not?  You want to sit in the river while wearing the only pair of pants we brought with us?  They’ll dry.

You look at us with that Opie Tayler, big eyed, cocked head charm and it’s all over.

Keep it up.


Filed under Grandparenting, Summer

Let the Adventure Begin Day 2

We brought our 3 year old grandson home with us yesterday.  It was a delightful trip.  He chattered most of the way, telling us about the horses and cows and motorcycles and trucks he saw.  We played peed a boo with Mt. Hood as it came into view and then hid from us in the forest.  We munched on snacks.

After traveling for about 4 hours he finally fell asleep for a short nap before we stopped at our youngest daughter’s and son-in-law’s house where he got to see their dogs and chickens and horses and kitty and run through the field and eat blueberries and sit in the “tunnel” under the apple tree.  And swat flies.  The boy may have a future as a fly swatter.

We got home late and bedtime was way overdue.  But there was no fussing.  He ran around our house  exploring it all then peacefully went to bed.  This morning he woke up (wayyyy tooooo early!) full of happiness.  We spent the morning, (after a breakfast of blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs) looking for ripe raspberries, walking down our dirt road, and running around the yard being race cars and stopping at the hydrangea bush for an “ice cream”.

All of which wears a body out.  He happily went down for a nap and now I’m envying him.  May lie down for one myself.

PS Thanks Verizon. Even tho’ it’s not much faster that the speed of a slug, we actually have internet today.  Wonderful.

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Filed under Family, Grandparenting, Summer

Let the Adventure Begin!

Thank you,  Al Gore, for inventing  the internet.   Okay, you didn’t say you invented the internet, you just said you had a hand in encouraging its creation.  Well, we could use some of that encouragement to get the internet to our place which apparently is in an internet black hole. Sometimes we have internet, often times we don’t. And when we do it’s frequently at the speed of dial up.  Which has much to do with why it’s been months since I’ve blogged.  Along with some laziness, but it’s more fun to blame it on lack of internet.

But enough about my internet woes.  Today we are at the daughter’s and son-in-law’s house.  These are civilized folk who live in the city where the internet actually exists.  So whilst here I’ll bum their internet to say that today, when we head home, we will take our 3 year old grandson with us for a few days.

Let the Adventure begin!

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