Monthly Archives: June 2015

Baby Chatter (Baby Woodpeckers, that is)

It’s 9:16 pm June 6.  The sun has just set and the sky is streaked with pink.  I’ve got goosebumps on my arm, the air is cooling considerably after the high of 88 today.  I haven’t seen a humming bird at the feeder for 5 or 6 minutes so I think they are done for the day.  But I hear a few birds still chattering.  A robin, a song sparrow, a bird I don’t recognize.

And the non-stop call of the baby woodpeckers in the tree behind me.  They never stop.  Never.  They spend the entire day yelling at mom and dad to feed them. They don’t even stop hollering when mom and dad show up with the goods.  Their voice changes but they aren’t quiet.  How can they eat while they talk?  And maybe if they were quiet for a bit they wouldn’t burn up so many calories and they wouldn’t be so hungry. But what do I know?  I’m not a woodpecker.

I am however, very curious to know when they will finally be quiet.  If the mosquitoes don’t carry me off first, I’m going to wait around and see what time the woodpeckers finally call it a night. And one more thing. What kind of woodpecker are these? They look pretty much like this, which is a red headed woodpecker, but the bird book (well, actually the webite) says the red headed woodpecker doesn’t live in the northwest.

It’s 9:37.  Haven’t heard the woodpeckers for a minute or two so they must be all snugged in and going to sleep. The robins and the song sparrow outlasted them.

Sleep well

. Adult

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Filed under Birds, Summer