Monthly Archives: January 2018

Sleepless Near Seattle

We live in an internet black hole.  There is no Comcast here, no Verizon.  We use a jetpack to get what internet we can snatch from the air. It’s pretty pathetic, fading in and out, more out than in. And much of the time when it’s in, it’s at the speed of dial up. Remember dial up?  That takes you back, doesn’t it?  But I have discovered, after much frustration, that mornings are a much better time to try.  Jetpacks must be morning creatures.

So tonight, or this morning as the case may be, as I lay in bed staring at the ceiling unable to sleep, I wondered what time “morning” is, in the world of our jetpack.  I’d tried getting on at 6:00 pm.  No luck.  7:00 pm. No luck.  It was now 1:30 am.  Is that still night or is it morning?

Well, apparently in the world of our jetpack, it’s morning because I’m now on. And I’m pretty pumped about that.  But I still wish I could get to sleep


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The Kiss That Made Me Swoon

It wasn’t my turn to greet folks at church but no one was there to do it so I decided I would.  Not too long into my job an elderly gentleman arrived.  He’s a dapper fellow, with a moustache and always in a suit.  He’s perhaps a bit shorter than me.  But at 96 years of age he walks tall and sure.  He’s from Panama and his English is limited. My Spanish is non existent.  But his smile is radiant and I could welcome him.

I opened the door for him, extended my hand, and offered a cheery, “Welcome!  Happy Sabbath.”  He smiled that beautiful smile, took my hand and said, “Happy Sabbath.  May you have a long and wonderful life.” Then he leaned down and kissed the back of my hand.

I swooned and we both beamed and laughed.   What a kiss!




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It’s A New Year

Last night I dreamt I was at a new job.  Sort of.  It was at a new company but it was doing the same work as before.  I didn’t know where I was now working but I thought it might be Boeing.  I was in a large room with lots of tables that had computers on them with massively large monitors.  I was given no direction as to where I should sit or work, rather it was hinted that I could sit down anywhere and if no one came by and told me to move I was okay.

Then I looked around and there were no available computers.  There were empty chairs and vacant table space but there weren’t any computers at those spaces.  I asked another employee about this and he responded that the manager, who was walking around the area talking with people, was a very nice woman but not very competent. I said I’d never worked in a situation like this with rows and rows of people beside each other in one room.  It was rather intimidating.  Especially when I didn’t even have a computer to work on and the monitors were so big and  I was sure I wouldn’t be able to function with mine when I got one.

I was considering going to look for the manager when I woke up.  And realized I do have a computer and two reasonably sized monitors at my desk, in my own space, at my job that is not crowded with people and is overseen by an amazing manager.  That’s a great way to start a new year.



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