Monthly Archives: February 2014

Les Schwab and AAA and Greg’s Japanese Auto

I was in the bank drive-through when my brakes gave out.  I had my foot on them to keep me stopped as I put my check in the vacuum tube and sent it to the teller, when I felt something under my foot give and the brake pedal went clear to the floor.  I don’t think it’s supposed to do that.  So I called hubby and explained what had happened, ignoring the cheery greeting of the teller. Try to drive, very carefully,  to Les Schwab, was his advise.

I still had some brake, if I pushed really, really hard on the pedal.  That lasted for a couple of blocks.  But when the CHECK ENGINE light and the BRAKE light lit up, sending my adrenalin to levels I don’t appreciate, I turned into the next driveway which was just feet away.  Greg’s Japanese Auto.  They were very kind.  My car is not Japanese but they took a look. Situation critical was the diagnosis.  “Don’t try to drive it anywhere.  But you can sit in our waiting room and call someone for help.  Would you like a Dr. Pepper or a Coke?  How about a cup of tea? ” Nice fellows.

AAA to the rescue, just like in their commercials.  We’ve had AAA for years and have used them for towing from time to time.  This was another time. They towed me to Les Schwab.

We  go to Les Schwab for tires and batteries and sundry other things and even though they have never run out to greet us we  keep going there, because running out is not as important as getting the job down and treating the customer with respect and fairness which they do very well.

Diagnosis: broken brake flex hose, whatever that is. Hubby explains this hose business to me and I smile and nod understanding not a word of it.  Kind of like when you talk to your dog, explaining that eating your shoe is not a good idea, the dog hears, “blah, blah, blah, Rover, blah, blah, blah blah.”  I heard, “broken hose, blah,blah, blah, $227, blah, blah, tomorrow, blah, blah.”

But I was safe and secure.  This could have happened on our recent trip up north or on my way to work driving down Cemetery Hill.  With a name like that you don’t have to know the exact road, you get the picture.  But it didn’t happen then. It happened in a bank drive through line, on a Friday afternoon, not far from Les Schwab.

So, here’s to you Greg’s Japanese Auto, and AAA, and Les Schwab.  You made my unhappy day end much happier.

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