Monthly Archives: February 2017

Everyone Loves a Bargain

You get a new pair of shoes, a new dress, a new car, a new house.  What is the first thing you say after your friends tell you, “I love your new__________ (fill in the blank)?”  You tell them what a deal you got on it!   Everyone loves to get new stuff but it’s double the fun when you get it at a bargain price.  Well, usually it is.

My oldest daughter was born on February 15.  When she was a teenager I often told her what a great birth date she had.  Her boyfriend could get her Valentine candy, at half price, for her birthday.  It would show how frugal he was.

“Grrrrr,” she’d growl through clenched teeth, her face turning red, and smoke pouring out of her ears.  “He better not!  Not for my birthday!!”

Image result for picture lindt chocolates

Tomorrow she turns 32.  She just texted me.  Her husband gave her discount Lindt chocolates. He was quick to add that they are for Valentine’s Day. Not her birthday.

This time she laughed and laughed.

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Filed under bargains

Remember the Good Times

What do you say when someone loses a loved one,  a family member, good friend, favorite pet.  There are no words but you want to say something.  “I’m sorry,” is probably the best thing.  And sometimes I add, “Remember the good times.” Today I did some remembering.

Snow is not unusual here in the Puget Sound but it’s not regular either.  Some years we have none, most years we have some, and every few years we have lots.  Yesterday was one of those “every few years” snowfalls. It began before daylight and it didn’t stop all day. Hubby cleared the sidewalk before dark last night but so much more came down that he  had to wade through 13 inches of it to get to the garage this morning so he could get to work.

IMG_3702When I got up, some hours after hubby left at 4:30,  I  followed his footsteps to the garage and rummaged around for the snow shovel.  And the memories began.

Our big, black dog, Joe, who has been gone for over 2 years, would’ve loved this.  As the snow came down he would run up and down the driveway leaping into the air catching snowflakes. As I cleared the sidewalk he would bark at me until I flung the shovelful into the air for him to catch.  When I walked around the house he’d walk backwards in front of me waiting for me to kick some snow for him to bite at. Then he’d rest for a bit and his cat, Miss Kitty, who did not love the snow, might come over for some solace.

Great memories, Joe. Thank you.


Filed under Dogs, Snow