Monthly Archives: September 2017

Another Trip Around the Sun

It’s down into the 50’s and rainy and dark at 7:00.  How could it be so cold and wet and dark already? And why am I surprised by this?

I’ve made 65 trips around the sun so this isn’t new stuff. But I’m not the only one who seems surprised.  Family, friends, strangers at the bank and store are surprised too.  It happens every year. Summer melts into fall and then dissolves into winter but we can’t quite believe that the days are so short or the temperature is so cold.  Then we turn the corner from winter into spring and head down the back stretch to summer again and the longer days and warmer temperatures are greeted as though we’ve never quite experienced them before.

Forgetfulness?  Maybe it’s just wishin’ it weren’t so.



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Filed under Autumn, Summer's End

Small Happinesses

Hurricane Harvey. Hurricane Irma.  Earthquake in Mexico.  Terrible floods in India.  68 wildfires in our country.

The only disasters even close to me are a couple of the fires that are a hundred miles or more away. But the smoke from them have blotted out my sun and caused breathing problems for many I know. Life can change in a heartbeat.

Sometimes it takes tragedies to put things in perspective.  My Fitbit doesn’t sync with my new phone. Grrrrrrrr.  Our car has been at the mechanic’s for a month and is still not running.  Arghhh.  Issues at work. *%$  Drivers who are jerks; people who dump their garbage on our church lawn.  Maddening.

Then again, it’s small potatoes compared to hurricanes and earthquakes, floods and fires.  Time to reassess my life.  Fitbit will get synced to my computer eventually.  We have another car to drive.  I made it home safely in spite of the inconsiderate driver. The garbage will get picked up.  I’ve got a home to go to tonight and a warm, dry bed to sleep in.

I’m happy.

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Filed under Happiness