Bird Count

My apologies to the  guests in our summer house.  They are chickadees, not sparrows.  It’s the first time I’ve had chickadees in one of our bird houses and I feel quite honored.

picture of Black-capped Chickadee

I saw a hummingbird today.  I’ve heard them humming around but it’s been some weeks since they’ve frequented our bird feeder.  Today, I saw one check out the feeder, then head over to the hanging  flower basket that has real food.  I filled up the hummingbird feeder, tho’, just in case they want some junk food to go along with the good stuff.

And I’ve enjoyed several sightings of goldfinches this spring, more than I’ve seen in previous years.  They are such brightly colored birds, so unusual compared to most of the birds in this part of the world.

I’ve yet to see “my owl” but many nights, long after darkness has set in, I’ve heard him (her?) calling in the night. I have no idea what kind of owl it is but it has a most soothingly eerie call that helps me go to sleep.

Speaking of birds, last year I saw my first quail, here in southern Puget Sound. I’ve lived here for decades and had never seen a quail here.  I thought quail were just eastern Washington birds  until I saw some just down the road…but maybe they were just passing through on vacation.

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